Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Weatherman Predicts Classroom Climate

   Since the long winter break, we've come to school every morning when it's quite chilly outside. As the day progresses, most of the time, it gets warmer outside and students go out to recess in the warm sun. I have begun to realize the effect of the weather on the students in my classroom. Rainy days are the worst! I am already in the weird mood that rainy days evoke and students are dragging in, sluggish and saddened that outdoor recess is not in their school schedule that day. Cold mornings make everyone a little less inclined to get out of bed and into "school mode". Cold hands that don't want to write, cold brains that don't want to think, and cold ears that don't hear anything I'm saying. Warm mornings bring in stir crazy students that think it's the last day before summer- antsy for recess as they walk in the door and antsy for the end of the school day as they walk in from recess. Warm mornings make me miss the summer days of sleeping in and relaxing all day!
   No matter what the morning weather brings in, by the end of lunch, all of the students are wired! Afternoon classes are the same no matter what the weather may be- crazy! Crazy because they're ready for the end of the day to play in the beautiful weather or stir crazy because they've been inside while it rains all day. Crazy, crazy!

Either way, I have my job cut out for me every day!

Rainy morning students...

Cold morning students...in a daze

Warm morning students...off the wall

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