Friday, September 2, 2011

These Wascally Wabbits...

Oh boy! The true colors begin to show...

Most of my children are the sweetest kids, great students, care about others, and respect each other. Some...not so much. I believe that, at heart, all children really want to be good. Some, just have a hard time showing for one reason or another. The majority of my students have a rough home life that is vastly different than mine was growing up. At my school, you have to be a compassionate and passionate teacher to reach these kids- Otherwise, you'll get nowhere.

That being said, the few that are giving me such a hard time are doing so to impress someone in their class of the opposite sex. Yes, HORMONES~ sooo not used to this. They think that getting in trouble is a way to show the other that they are tough, and they are. These kids are wise beyond their years because of what they go home to. I just wish they didn't have to be so stubborn and like getting in trouble- that NEVER impressed me.

Ironically, I married an older version of the kid in the my class who gives me the hardest time! Every time I tell him a story about little "Bob" (not his real name), Rob says "Oh yeah, I did that." When I talk about calling little Bob's parents, he says "Oh yeah, my mom and teacher were on a first name basis". WHAT?! I have come to realize just how bad he was through confirmation every time we see one of his teachers around town. One teacher had us both (at different times) and about croaked when she realized we were together. It's funny how the Lord works!

Hormones, drama, broken homes, and desperately in need of love- that's my kids! I'm learning...they're's a process and I guess that's all that matters...

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